Friday, January 22, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Well, I've just been invited.  So I thought I'd acknowledge with a short howdy-do post.

Pete, 46, Southern Indiana, Father, IT Specialist, and recovering Scoop Jackson Democrat, Reagan Republican, and Libertarian.  I consider myself a small-government conservative and a small-L libertarian.

And by "libertarian" I mean not an anarchist, cheap-dope, capitalist hippy, Libertarian, but one of the scary ones who believes the Constitution should mean what it says, and who got weary a while back of the LP not only shooting itself in the foot, but emptying a whole clip of .45 ACP into it.

Corporate Oligarchy?

The Supreme Court has just ruled that corporations may contribute to elections with the same rights as individuals as protected by the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. [link]

Is a corporation protected by the Bill of Rights? Will this decision shift more power towards the Corporate Oligarchy and away from the People? Has this decision allowed only Big Business and wealthy individuals the right to influence an election? Or, has the Supreme Court simply extended freedoms that are written into the law of the land?

These are questions that need to be answered. Feel free to comment.